
Make your resolutions stick

I don't really believe in New Year's resolutions, but as many people do I thought this article may be of some interest to them:

"Make your resolutions stick

Why do so many people give up on their New Year's resolutions every year? Because they make it too hard to succeed. Try these easy tips for success.

Do your New Year's resolutions feel like a recipe for failure? Every year you resolve the same old thing and then fall off the wagon by February? Don't get down on yourself! Even if you've already started to slide for this year, you can still do it. Start over right now, but start right.

Reaching your goal can be easy if you make the right resolution. And the payoff is a better you! Follow these easy tips to make your resolutions stick.

Choose a clear goal: While "get fit" sounds good, it's hard to stick to. "Walk during lunch hour three times a week" or "Do yoga every morning before breakfast" are much clearer targets.

Make it obtainable: Losing 25 pounds by bathing suit season might be too daunting, but two pounds a month sounds plausible. Even better, follow the first tip and promise specifics like "no deep fried food" or "no sugar in beverages."

Choose one: If you promise to start exercising, quit smoking, and reduce stress all at once, you'll get stressed out just thinking about it. Choose your most important goal for this year. Your success will be great encouragement for a new goal next year.

Write it down: Put your clear and obtainable goal in writing. And post it on the fridge or the mirror. Try putting stickers on your calendar or keeping a journal.

Tell friends or family: Support makes a big difference. Remind each other of your goals. Better yet, run/diet/quit smoking together!

Reward yourself: Have a little celebration for every month you succeed. But not with cake if you're trying to lose weight! A night out or wardrobe update might do the trick.

Expect some setbacks: Nobody's perfect. Just because you messed up today doesn't mean you've blown it. Get back on track tomorrow and don't give up!

Finally, confidence and commitment are key. By choosing one clear and obtainable goal, you can do it. So go for it. And enjoy the new you in the New Year!"

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