
Thoughts on terrorism or Capital One Part Three

I think perhaps that there would not be terrorism in the world if people were nicer to each other. More specifically if people were nicer to telemarketers. Still more specifically to bill collectors. Take Capital One for example, Capital One outsources its call centers to India and Canada and I'm sure to other countries I don't know about. This is a common trend among many big multi-billion dollar corporations. So all of a sudden you have people not native to America calling Americans and asking them to please pay their bills. What do they get for their trouble? Americans screaming & swearing at them! This then becomes the impression that these not-American people have of America. Think about it...


Capital One Part Two

I'm going to move to the United States and open a bank. I will call my bank the Debtor's FCU. It will be a bank for all the people out there who can't pay their bills. I will offer consolidated loans, refinancing of houses, cars and the like and also credit cards with higher APR rates than Capital One, which believe you me is no easy feat.
I will offer all these services at exhorbant interest rates and when my customers are unable to pay their bills I will repossess their possessions, or hire them on to work at one of the many factories I intend to buy from this endeavour and they can pay me back in their wages while living in company provided housing developments.
Now I know the question on your mind is where will I find people silly enough to go in on this venture, where will I find patrons for my fine bank? Well that's easy... I will offer the above mentioned services to the fine customers of Capital One. I will lure them in by offering to pay off their credit card bills!! LOL


Capital One Part One

So this summer I've found myself occupying a job at Capital One (the very large very rip-off credit card company.) Seriously people if you've ever considered getting a Capital One card know how to take care of it, it's like a pet that needs constant attention. Like a pet that does get taken care of and has accident this card has huge accidents! Fees that can rack up to over $100 in 3 days, APR's that can jump from 0.0% to 26.9% overnight, and of course angry bill collectors that can call your house legally between 8am and 9pm every day of the week. This last form of accident is where I fall in. I spend 10 hours a day, 4 days a week calling delinquent customers and telling them to pay their bills. It isn't pleasant, for me or for them. LOL So this is my soapbox for the evening: PAY YOUR BILLS PEOPLE!!! DO NOT FALL INTO DELINQUENCY!! Oh and if you do fall into delinquency don't call and complain that you didn't know it was due because you didn't get a statement... bills are due EVERY month regardless of whether you get a statement or not! LOL
There I feel much better now... LOL Stay tuned... more Capital One rants & humour to come... (hey I have nothing better to do but write these things at work between calls, it's finding non-work time to post them that's the problem!)


Quote of the Day

"A man falls in love with the woman he's attracted to, the woman is attracted to the man that she fell in love with."



In about 2 weeks my mumby is getting married for the second time. She is having a beach wedding and I am very excited about it. The man she is marrying is really good and sweet to her. He really knows how to treat her right and she is really in love with him and he with her. The only weird part is that as I sit there helping mumby make wedding invitations, favours, flower arrangements, etc. It occurs to me that at 23 I never thought I'd be helping my mum get ready for her wedding. I guess the girly part of me always thought by this age she'd be helping me get ready for my wedding, not the other way around. C'est la vive I suppose, when God ordains it He will make a way and in the meantime I'll have fun helping my mum get ready for her big day.


The Code

There is a code among women, among people really regarding dating that I would like to publish here, simply because I would like more people to be aware of it. I was pretty sure it was a universally understood and followed code, although due to recent events it has come to my attention that this is in fact not the case. The code is as follows:
If your best friend breaks up with his/her boy/girlfriend the ex of your best friend is off limits! The exceptions to the code are as follows;
a) the best friend gives you express permission to be with their ex
b) you no longer care to be best friends with the best friend
c) the best friend dies
d) the best friend leaves the country and you will never see them again
These are the only exceptions to the rule, and likewise it is generally assumed that the code applies to any close friends, not just best friends.


The Blog

It recently came to my attention that blogs have become the thing to do on the internet. I'm not quite sure of the phenomenon, I personally read very few blogs, subscribe to none and had quite frankly not considered starting one of my own until this past month, wherein at least 5 of my friends e-mailed me telling me I just had to check out their blogs.
So of course after reading all the blogs of my best mates it occurred to me that I should partake of the blog experience. So this is it, welcome to my blog, enjoy the randomness I'm sure I will fill it with and don't think me to crazy for what I say, I'm only a little crazy, honest. LOL