
Happy Birthday to me!

Today was my 26th birthday and since it's on the 26th it was my Golden Birthday!

(One's golden birthday, also called a champagne birthday, is the day when the age one turns and the date of birth coincide (e.g. someone turning 26 on April 26th celebrates her golden birthday). - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday)

It didn't turn out as I had expected, we are renovating the basement and since we are still deep in the middle of renovations I wasn't really able to have a party today, even thought it was a Saturday. I'm going to try for one in late May or early June as then I can have a pool party. I did have some friends come over and play board games with me (it was too rainy to go out and play) and then they cooked me a fabulous supper! Sadly there was no champagne, but I'm sure I can get some for the party and that's good enough for me. :-)

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