
Happy Birthday to me!

Today is my Golden birthday!!!

(One's golden birthday, also called a champagne birthday, is the day when the age one turns and the date of birth coincide (e.g. someone turning 26 on April 26th celebrates her golden birthday). - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday)

In celebration I was going to have a big 'ol children's party for all my friends and make them play ridiculous games and dress up in stuffy party clothes, but because we are renovating the house and it is still in much disarray I am postponing the party 'til when the pool is open so it can be that much more fun!

I did have a good day despite the lack of party. I had a few friends over and we played board games (as the weather was too bad to go out and play) and then they cooked me a fabulous supper! We ended the day with cake & hot tubbing! My only regret is the lack of champagne, although I'm sure I can get some before the party so I can still have my champagne toast for my b-day! :-)

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