
Hamster Part 16

I cleaned the hamsters cages today and as I was cleaning the boys' cage a funny thing happened... I put the boys in the empty cage while I cleaned their cage, I dumped out their slumber house and there was a tiny hamaster in it, still moving around all fuzzy and furry!! Apparently ALL the hamsters in the past litter were girls!

So now GP & Chipmunk have had a baby. I named it Vole. It's awfully cute, I honestly have no idea if it's a boy or a girl, but it's probably two weeks old by now, problem was they had it in the hosue the whole time so I didn't even know it was there 'til I dumped the house out.

I don't know what I'm going to do about preventing more baby hamster though! I can't have this many cages!! LOL

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