
Christian Marketing

Here are some links I got from friends from my Bible College days. I really have mixed feelings on some Christian marketing tactics. I mean yes it's good that there is a "Christian alternative" in some things, like music or movies for those who are quite devout, but sometimes I think it's taken too far.

Here are a couple examples, you be the judge of when enough is enough:

"Armour of God" children's pyjamas
(actually this whole site in general is pretty bizarre)

Ubuntu: The Christian version (the Linux OS distribution for Christian)

Ichthux: Linux for Christians

What Would Jesus Download? (a whole website of "Christian" friendly downloads


Raphaƫl Pinson said...

Hi Amby,

Your post is interesting, however, I would like to add a bit to it.

Ichthux is a free open-source operating system. It is a non-profit project, whose only aim is to provide a free OS (no charge, free of viruses, free as in freedom) for Churches, Christian organizations and individuals. It is in no way a marketing thing. We don't make a single cent from it (it actually costs me more than I ever got from it, including shipping free CDs to people who don't have broadband and want to use it).

I don't consider Ichthux as an alternative to non-christians operating systems. It is a tuned Kubuntu system so that it can be installed with Bible study utilities and Bible texts in the installation language preinstalled without having to search for these programs and install them manually.

We are not related to the Ubuntu Christian Edition / WhatWouldJesusDownload group, even though I have contacts with Jereme, and I personally am against most forms of Christian marketing as you like to name it (especially "armour of God" pyjamas and alike).

God bless


Amby said...

Thanks for the additional info. :)