

"If you're going to search,
why not Search Kindly?"

This is a great site I recently heard about, it's only been opened about 6 months and basically it's a search engine (similar to Google or Goodtree).

The difference is every time you use it the site donates money to various charities, according to the site all monies raised go to the charities! This is far better than any other search engine charity site I've seen where only a portion goes to the charities.

So far they've raised over $1400 for charity and if y'all help out they can raise even more.

Another neat feature of the site is that you can vote on where the money raised each month goes to so it's not some arbitrary decision by site leaders, it's up to users to choose.

Also you can read the site leaders blog off the main page so you'll always know about new happenings.

Check it out! Make it your homepage, link to it in your blogs or web pages!


Here's the "how they work" info from the site:

"At Search Kindly, we're doing something that NO ONE else is even considering--we're donating all of our advertising revenue to charity. Every. Single. Penny.

The whole point of Search Kindly is to take something that you'd be doing anyway, like surfing the Internet, and turn it into a really meaningful action. We know that most people, like us, would love to be able to give limitless amounts of money to those in need, but who has a limitless amount of money? Well, together we all do. But we're not asking for your money, we’re just asking for a few seconds of your time.

What do I have to do to donate money for free?

All you have to do is use Search Kindly just like you'd use any other search engine. The advertisers on the site pay us to display their ads, so all you have to do is show up! It just doesn't get much easier than that.

How much money is raised each time I visit Search Kindly?

Roughly 1/3 of a cent--now I know that's not a whole lot, but this is a numbers-game. If we can ever get to the point where we have a million users per day, we'll be generating $12,000...per day.

Isn't it possible for Search Kindly to make more than a fraction of a cent for every visit?

Well, back during the dot-com crazy-days, you could make a killing by showing banner ads. But that was way back in yesteryear--back when I was just knee-high to a grasshopper (not really). The only thing that we can do now is hope to negotiate with one of our advertising networks, Blue Lithium, so that we can get that number up to something a little more respectable...like a whole cent. All joking aside, though, if we can get one cent for every visitor who comes to the site, we'll be able to help a lot of people.

Are there any other ways that I can donate money for free?

I'm glad you asked that question, because we will be rolling out with another idea very shortly. Actually, we'll be rolling out with two more ideas...and possibly three. But just to prep you, nothing is ever going to be as easy as using Search Kindly. "


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