
25 Years on the Planet

Today marks the 25th anniversary of my mumby in a hospital room in labour with lil' ol' me.

This milestone is the first one to strike me as rather hard to hurdle. 18 was exciting what with being able to drink in Alberta (where I was moving to in September of that year). 19 marked drinking age in Ontario. 20 was a double-decade but not too terrible as I was at school and had a plan for the future. 21 of course marked drinking, gambling, smoking & all other forms or debauchery as legal all over the world! But now I find myself at 25.

25 is hard to swallow. I thought by this time I'd have more accomplished, probably something I should have been thinking about at all my other milestone birthdays, but as 25 seems so far away at 18 I wasn't concerned. I thought at 25 I'd be married have a baby or at least plans for one in the future, be graduated with a bachelor's degree and a job in my field, or at least a job that would lead to a career and own my own house, or at aleast rent one in a neighbourhood where I was happy.

Instead I find myself moving home to my parents, given I did get my degree I am far from married, no children (thank goodness due to the lack of marriage thing) and I certainly don't have anything close to a dream job, heck I don't even have a job at present! To top it off my stuff is all in a storage locker, not even in an ideal location.

I mean I know I have accomplished a lot that others at my age have not. I did graduate, I did move to another province for almost 7 years. I've been almost engaged at least twice. The problem now is getting back on track so that I don't find myself in this same situation at 30, which I know is going to be a dickens of a milestone for me if I'm not closer to accomplishments and goals than I am now.

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