
Moving Day!

Hey all,
As many of you know, and some don't, I've had a rough time of it the past few months. I've had a hard-time making ends meet, working two jobs to try and compensate, have had trouble with friends & boyfriend and all in all not been too fortunate. At the start of March I had to take sick leave, at the doctor's request, from work to try to find new employment as my current job was too stressful and causing me "undue stress and anxiety that was having adverse medical reprocutions". So I searched and searched and my luck did not improve and after a month of searching I was no closer to having a job than I had been a month before. On the advice of my therapist and my doctor I stayed on leave, but due to insurance denying my medical claim for leave and E.I. not kicking in I ran out of money and finally had to give it up and find a plan B.

So on that note... today I move to Ontario and back to my parents' for awhile to clear my head, try to find some employment, get some cash in the bank and get my life all sorted out again!

If you are of the praying sort pray for me and if you are not then think warm thoughts for me.

We'll see y'all when I reach Ontario.


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