
Killer Condom

While channel surfing the other day what should I find on space channel at about 3am?? A movie entitled "Killer Condom" (no jokes!) a "horror movie"(really a horror parody comedy)... about a condom who attacks it's victims and bites off their members!!!

The internet movie database link:

and of course a description from Wiki...

"Killer Condom (also known as Kondom des Grauens) is a 1996 German comedy film based on the comic book of the same name by Ralf König. It was directed by Martin Walz and featured Jörg Buttgereit as it's special effects coordinator and H.R. Giger as a creative consultant.
It was distributed in the United States by Troma Entertainment.

Tagline: The rubber that rubs YOU out!


Set in the seedy parts of New York City, Killer Condom follows gay detective Luigi Mackeroni (Samel), who has been hired to investigate a series of bizarre attacks at the Hotel Quickie in which their male guests have all had their penises mysteriously bitten off. While at the crime scene, he enlists the services of a beautiful young gigolo named Bill and invites him up to the crime room. Before the two men engage in intercourse, a carnivorous, living condom interrupts them and bites Mackeroni's testicle off.

Now on a personal vendetta, Mackeroni begins his lone quests to not only bring a stop to the rash of condom attacks, but also face his true feelings towards Bill the gigolo. Soon, the detective learns that the pernicious prophylactics are actually genetically-engineered creatures, part of a vast conspiracy of conservatives bent on ridding the world of sexual deviants."


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