
Coloured Flame Candles

Another neat product came through my inbox tonight, it's candles that burn flames in different colours! I've actually seen these candles in action at a friend's birthday party recently. The orange seems a bit redundent as flames are always oranc eand the red wasn't stellar. The blue & green seemed to glow the best.

"Our New Flame

Finding that special flame can be challenging. One that captures our eye and lights up the room in a new and unique way. Lately we've been making conservative choices that bore us after a couple of dinners, and ultimately ended up being just another drip.

That is until we found RainbowMoments and their fabulous candles with coloured flames.
We began painting our world with two red flamed dinner candles to provide some mood lighting for a romantic meal (yes, we are resorting to colours and smoke signals to communicate with men). Next came the vibrant multi-coloured flames of the party candles that made our best friend's birthday cake the highlight of the night (the colours were also a perfect distraction from the amount of candles needed). Never forgetting ourselves, we grabbed some green flamed tea lights with matching floral shaped holders to enhance the tranquility of our much needed bubble bath escapes.

We don't see the flame in this relationship burning out any time soon.
RainbowMoments www.rainbowmomentscandles.com Local retail information available online"

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