
M&Ms A Sequel

So I found a whole bunch of random things while I was looking for the packages for yesterdays post. I decided I just had to share them. Where applicable I tried to put a linky underneath.

The actual main site: http://us.mms.com/us/index.jsp

So M&Ms originally had six flavours "The candy's original six colors were brown, yellow, orange, red, green and violet, ousted in 1949 in favor of tan, in turn replaced in 1995 by US voters' choice of blue." In 2002 purple was added.

"Mars Inc founder Forrest Mars Sr. created the candy in the late 1930s based on Spanish Civil War soldiers' hard sugar-encased chocolates. First marketed in 1941, M&Ms'similar ability to resist melting made it a staple food of World War II American GI's.
The candy, whose letters stand for Mars and co-founder Murrie, still boasts its 1954 slogan, "The milk chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hand.' "

The website of the guy who apparently did the M&Ms chocolate river commercials:

The commercials:

This is the Pirates of the Carribean M&Ms site:

The new mega M&Ms "As it turns out, they just doubled up on the chocolate; no freak peanuts."

Of course I need the Wiki site for M&Ms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M&M's

These are some creative ways of displaying M&Ms.

This is a really cool dispenser of all the different M&Ms colors

Oh and you can buy the M&Ms in colour combos of your choice on the M&Ms site:

This is neat, it's part of canstruction... I have a whole set of them somewhere.... maybe a post for another time :)

And this one... I came across... and well it was too funny NOT to post. LOL

1 comment:

jmnlman said...

mmmm m and m's