
Harvest Moon

Okay here it is folks, the long awaited Harvest Moon rant... for those of you who know me this game did a number on my sensibilities one day while browsing through EB. I came across two copies of this game "Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life" and "Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life". I thought it was cool a "sequel" had been made and took it to the friends I was with to show them. They informed me that the game was not in fact a "sequel" but a "spin off" wherein the only notable difference is you can play the game as a female character and in the end marry a man instead of being a male who marries a female!

Imagine the marketing department working on this one... "hmm how do we make more revenue from this best selling game?... Oh I know! Let's release it with a female main character instead of a male, slightly change the packaging to appeal to females and sell it for $60 so the die hards will spend $120 on two games instead of just $60 on one even though they are paying for the SAME game twice!!!" Wow! Good job marketing team! You seriously make me sick!

Oh and to add to my chagrin when I was searching for a cover shot to post I came across a fan site that says in Japan the same thing occurred but on an even more sexist level where the game released was called "Harvest Moon: For Girl" oh and in this one the story ends when the girl gets married... there's a great view of women if ever I saw one! Your life ends when shackled to a man! (note the sarcasm.) Now I am not a feminist, I just hate it when people are obviously being parted from their money by good marketing and no one else seems to notice! I mean what'll be next? "Harvest Moon: Another 'nother Wonderful Life" and it'll have gay characters in it and a happy pink rainbow on the cover? *SIGH*

Well I just hope that anyone reading this won't be so easily duped by marketers.

Oh and here's those pics:

Harvest Moon: For Girls

Oh and the site I got the pics from:

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