

It occurs to me that whenever I get a new magazine, which happens about once a week, I end up reading just as many ads as I do articles. Even worse I remember the ads more. I think to myself what a good advertising ploy these magazines advertisers use and with what deft and cunning they make their ads memorable so that I find myself wanting to buy Chlorox disinfectant more than I want to Lose 10 lbs. Which was the whole reason I purchased the magazine in the first place.

On Futurama upon realizing that advertisers advertised in his dreams Fry becomes appalled. He says that in the 20th century advertisers were never sink so low as to advertise in dreams. They only advertise in magazines, TV, billboards, radio ads, on milk cartons, product boxes and in the sky but never in dreams. The sad part is how poignant this observation is. How long until they figure out how to advertise in our dreams?

Those magazine makers are cunning to. One time I considered pulling out all the ads from my magazine but they are all on the backs of actual articles so there is no way to remove the ads without removing the content! Those cunning, cunning advertisers!

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