
Improv Club

The U of L has an Improv club and I'm the publicity girl. It's a good job and all. I make posters for events, call up radio stations, go to meetings, build and maintain the webpage, etc. Not too challenging, but I seriously am feeling under-appreciated. I go out of my way to do all my jobs and any other jobs I can find to do and when I forget to do one thing I get ragged on, which totally sucks because when I do the bazillion other things I do no one says thank-you or recognizes that I've even done the job, only when it's not done... It just doesn't seem fair!
Today I forgot to go to the S.U. council meeting, well forgot isn't the right word, I didn't go 'cuz I didn't know it was today. I thought it was next week and I guess no reminders were sent out from S.U. or at least not sent out until it was too late for our prez to forward it along to me, but then he gets upset at me for not being there! I didn't even know about it... :( It just makes me so bummed out, I work hard and I try to do things well and good and it frustrates me when all my hard work seems for naught!
Oh and btw here's the webpage for the Improv club, it's in need of revision (I'm working on it, and as soon as I figure out vector layers in paintshop I'm laughing.)

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