
New Year's Resolutions

Well as always happens 'round this time, a new year has dawned and with a new year one must make resolutions! So here goes my resolutions for 2007!

I resolve to.... you know what no, this isn't what I want to do.

The thing is resolutions seem so corny... like you talk all big, say you'll lose weight, quit smoking, drinking, womanizing, partying... you join a gym, throw out your cigs & the booze, burn or bury the little black book and do really well for about a month, maybe two but by the time Easter rolls around you're back to your old habits, I mean in all fairness I'm sure some people stick to them, but the majority of ust make the same resolutions we did last year which were the same as the year before, and so on back as far as we can remember. I know I have

So this year I'm going to resolve simply to have a better year than I did in 2006! I'd like to lose weight, I'd like to get a better paying job, I'd like to feel loved and needed, I'd like to have friends that are true blue. I'd like to learn to be more assertive and express my feelings more openly, I'd like to cry less and have less cause to cry. I'd like to learn to love myself, I'd like to eliminate some debt, I'd like to spend more time with those I love and less with those I don't. I'd like to re-analyze and re-structure my life goals, I'd like to enjoy my work... these are the things I considered resolving to do, but just by saying I'll do them, by writing them down and sending them out into the void that is the internet doesn't mean they'll get done.

I would simply like to have a better year than 2006 and if that includes any of the above so be it, and if it doesn't then that's okay too, so that's what I'm going to resolve to do, period.

Happy 2007 all! I wish you a year of love, peace & happiness and success in whatever resolutions you set for yourself!

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