
The People on the Bus Part 5

When I got on the bus as I walked down the aisle there was a profound smell of potpourri, the cheap kind that is way to floral and pungent to be nice except in small doses. The entire bus reeked of this scent and it was particularly strong as we walked by an older man in a ratty coat slumped in a middle seat of the bus. His hair was quite unkempt and his face unshaven, in general he was quite disheveled.

My traveling companion pointed out that perhaps he had bought cheap air freshener to improve his smell as he was obviously homeless, and is often the case homeless people are smelly.

This prompted a discussion about homelessness in general.

I just feel so bad for these poor souls who have nothing and no real means of acquiring a better existence. I mean I know there are shelters and food banks, clothing banks, etc. to help out such people, but it's hard for them. I mean if you don't have money you can't get clothes, well decent clothes, to apply for a job so you can get money and if you lost your job without a permanent residence you can't get EI from the government. I mean I know that organizations try to help but year after year I see the same homeless people around the parks and on the buses and I wonder how much good they are actually doing for these people.

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