
Blood Donations

So I went to donate blood today, and as seems to be the case with me it was an utter fiasco. I have very deep veins, which I have been told is due to a couple of reasons, one being that I am overweight and became that way rather suddenly, which apparently buries already deep veins. The second reason is that apparently women in general have deeper veins than men. The problem with having deep veins is it is hard to find a vein to take the blood from. I got in the chair (before I did the paperwork) and they were actually able to find a vein, which surprised me as of the last 6 or 7 times I've been they've only found a vein one other time. I then proceeded to fill out the paperwork and one of the questions was about piercings, well I got my ears done 3 more times back in February but thankfully it's 6 months so I was cleared to give blood anyways, and as always the rest of the paperwork went found.
As a side note on that topic, did you know that HIV & AIDS was only discovered in 1977. There are a whole bunch of questions pertaining to living in countries, getting blood, etc. Since 1977 and I asked why that year in particular and that is why. That was the year of discovery. Also on that note, some countries, especially in Africa, have an HIV rate of about 50%, that is to say 50% of the population is infected, scary huh?
So back to my story... I got into the chair to actually give the blood and the nurse got the needle in, with only a little bruising, and after they got the samples out of my arm and about 1/8 the bag of blood for donation the vein collapsed and they were unable to get anymore blood! I was so devastated! I was so pleased they'd found a vein, I'd even drank about 2 litres of water before my appointment and still not enough blood to fill the bag!
The nurse suggested I give up as it wasn't apparently an option for me to give blood (this is the 2nd time a vein has collapsed while giving blood in 2 years) but the nurse at the front said I could come back in a few months if I really was committed to the cause, she just suggested I start drinking more water like 2 days in advance instead of the day before. So we'll see...
But what really upsets me is that the other nurse tried to turn me away! Only 3% of the people who can give blood, do and she is turning me away! That can't be right.
Oh and I was also upset because they didn't have anymore of the red blood donor bracelets. Those things are hard to come by and I was looking forward to getting one as it's a cause I feel very strongly about, oh well, maybe I'll get my veins in order, or perhaps I'll try again when I lose some more weight!

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