
MSN Rant

This is my rant about MSN and people's inability to use it to a satisfactory level, that being the level the program was designed to function at. I am not saying that I myself am not at fault for my MSN etiquette, but I am very disturbed at the people who I frequently talk with and their lack of manners.
I dislike when people see you log in and then block you immediately, as if I don't know they just blocked me. I am not naive enough to think they mysteriously disappear everytime I log on, and on that note I wonder why they don't just leave me blocked and only unblock me when they actually want to talk to me, that would hurt my feelings far less than seeing them disappear when I log onto MSN.
I hate when people don't set themselves to "away" when they are or people who hide in "away" so they don't have to talk to people unless they want to, if you don't want to talk to people that badly just block them, or go to "appear offline" don't hide in away.

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