
Microsoft Word Easter Eggs

Here's a bunch of Easter Eggs I found for Microsoft Word 2002, they're pretty fun. Unfortunately not near as fun as the ones that existed from '97, but meh what can you do... LOL I think Microsoft creators are slacking off...

The Quick Brown Fox:
1. In Word document and type = rand (200,99)
2. Press enter and wait 3 seconds...
(this one should make 225 pages of the phrase "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog")
Bill Gates:
1. In Word type Bill Gates
2. Perform a spell check with the Office Assistant (choose Rocky) open, he will do something cute.
*If it doesn't work the first time, try spellchecking a few times.

Apple Command:
1. In Word Hold Ctrl + Alt + "+ on the number pad"
(this should make your mouse cursor turn into a funny apple command pic)

Plus Command:
1. In Word hold Ctrl + Alt + =
(this should make your mouse cursor into a plus sign)

Minus Command:
1. In Word hold Ctrl + Alt + -
(this should make your mouse cursor turn into a minus sign)

Silly Tip of the Day:
1. Set your animated assistant to Links, the cat.
2. In preferences, make it tell you the Tip of the Day every time you open Word.
3. Open and close Word again and again. Pay close attention to the Quote of the Day.
4. Eventually, you will find a silly one.

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