
Country Music

In the past year or so I have taken a real shine to country music, next to Christian music it's my favourite genre at the moment. Well actually let me re-phrase, it's not my favourite genre but Country 95.5 is my second favourite radio station after Shine FM 97.1. Also if I'm online I listen to accuradio.com and more specifically the AccuCountry station. For any of you who read my livejournal you'll also note that many of my "music" choices for the day are country songs.

So why is this middle-class city girl from Ontario so interested in country music all of a sudden? Well I'm glad you asked. The reason is two-fold. The first part is that I believe in subliminal messaging, not all creepy like the government-is-out-to-get-me, but within reason like you can lose weight by listening to tapes or if you believe a medication will make you better it probably will. (As an aside to this I believe a ton of societies problems could be solved by people being less neurotic, but I'll leave that for another day.) On the subliminal notion I feel that the music you listen to affects your mood positively or negatively and as I have lessened vision I feel my sense of hearing is more acute That many people's, sometimes after I listen to the radio I hum tunes that I didn't even know I'd heard that day until I start humming them. So I think about all the hard-metal crap with its depressing lyrics and vulgar language and I don't feel I need that going into my head subliminally when I'm not specifically monitoring my content. Country music, although some of the topics are harsh, is rarely outright vulgar or depressing.

Going on that theme of non-depressing music brings up my second point. Country music is also often honouring to God. Either the songs outright speak of God or allude to Him. They often tell stories of God saving or acting out miracles or the like. I find them uplifting for my soul. When I turn on Christian music I know it will be God-honouring by its very nature but when I turn on country music it's a pleasant surprise to hear about God.

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