
Hamsters Part 7

GP & CC had another litter. There were nine babies. I never did separate them as I said I would after last time. The reason is that I have not had the money to get a new cage and CC & Kuskus fight too much to co-habitate and putting GP with Kus wouldn't solve the mating problem. LOL

So I left them together and lo-and-behold last night another litter was born. Mark didn't tell me 'til this morning due to the horrible cannibalistic tendencies of the last time. They all seem to be okay though today. Well not exactly. There are six in the litter and one died, but the other five are doing very well!

So in a few weeks we have to sex all the hamsters and SEPARATE them. LOL (I've now reached my limit as Mark said I could have 9 hamsters and the babies brings me up to 10)

I also have to think up five more rodent names... Any suggestions?

btw: baby hamsters look funny and kinda gross! :P

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