

It occurred to me that I have managed to get myself on almost a completely nocturnal sleeping pattern. It's also occurred to me that I enjoy this pattern a lot better than the norm. I find that I am far more ambitious and I get far more done in the night hours than in the day ones. I do however miss the sun... But I think that will remedy itself as the days get longer. As it is I go to bed between 6 & 9 am and get up again between 3 & 5pm. I do get a few hours of sun and I try to get out at least once daily while daylight still persists, somedays this works, somedays not so much.

It's odd though that the world, for the most part, works on a daytime 9-5 kind of schedule. I mean I can't imagine that I'm the only one in the world who prefers the nocturnal pattern... Odd how we make everyone conform to some people's view of the world and when others views are expressed the ones expressing them are seen as odd or weird.

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