
AutoCAD: friend or foe?

This semester I decided to take a course in drafting with AutoCAD for the stage. Today we had class 3 or perhaps 4 of the semester. It was the 2nd class we were really getting into and using the program to draft things. We are currently drafting very basic orthographic drawings (front, side, top views of stuff.) The first one was super easy and I was so proud of myself because I finished it before the end of last class. I entered the class room all proud of myself and ready to jump headfirrst into the program again today.
The problem was that once I dove in, I hit my head. Or as best as I can surmise it, I basically forgot everything we'd learned last night. My lines kept coming out diagonally, tools kept having stupid rules or line errors or keystroke errors and I couldn't get anything to work. The create new wizard has abandoned me and still has not re-surfaced as did the save option. Although with some tinkering I made that one re-appear so the work I put in today was not in vain. I did finish the assignment about 20 min after class ended and after everyone had left the room, I e-mailed it to the Prof so now all I can do is wait to see if I did it right. Alas I fear I did not, but only time will tell.
So thus far my feelings on AutoCAD are very mixed. I see the merit of the program, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been created by a MAC user, based solely upon the lack of regard for regular mouse click ,drag and roll options! And you all know how I feel about all things MAC!!

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