
Another Year Over, A New One Just Begun!

Happy New Year Everybody!!
It's just after noon on New Year's day and I've just logged onto msn and there is no one on!! LOL I guess I was the only one of my 30 or so buddies who did not drink too much last night and get a hangover today. LOL (darn meds, couldn't barely drink :P)
There was snow this morning, don't know if that is a good thing or not, but there was. It's a really pretty blue sky day and the snow is quickly melting (there was less than an inch of it.) So if this is any indicator of the year ahead it should be a good one.

Anyhoo as it's a new year I suppose I should think up some resolutions... And we'll see how long they last for. LOL
- I resolve to lose weight this year (we'll start with a cliche one)
- I resolve to respond to my e-mails promptly (guess that means I'll have to catch up on the dozen or so in my inbox)
- I resolve to try and be on msn more
- I resolve to call my friends and family more
- I resolve to be more responsible about my radio show
- I resolve to be more responsible about my job
- I resolve to not procrastinate as much

There I guess that about does it. I'd like to add that I resolve to be happier but that'll require me to get my meds in order and only God can really perform that one... So we'll see.

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