
Pill-Induced Coma

It's bout 11:30pm and I've just managed to pull myself out of bed. I was up for a few hours earlier today, around 4pm. I vaguely recall talking to Kar who told me I sounded stupid, which I'm sure I do. I then think I tried un-successfully to watch TV, it was unsuccessful because my head was too foggy to make sense of storylines. So I went back to bed. I woke up briefly when my roomie came in, around 9:30, came out to the living room deemed it too bright and retreated back to my bedroom after some incoherent conversation regarding church and me not thinking I'd be coherent enough to go. It's now just after 11:30 and I've stumbled out of bed again to eat some cheese, drink seem juice and then try and go back to sleep for the night.
The reason I missed a whole day of life? Brutal little pills that "may cause drowsiness". Doctor said they should knock me out for about 6-8 hours tops. I took one at midnight last night, didn't fall asleep 'til 4 this morning and then slept 'til noon, woke up only to realize I felt like I'd been hit by a truck and I couldn't move or think clearly enough to get up so I fell back to sleep until 4 this afternoon... So I won't be taking those pills again... Although on the upside I woke up without a tummy-ache which hasn't happened since they put me on the other pills... Which I am supposed to take with the new pills... Too many pills for my liking! I'm just gonna wait and see what the Dr. Says on Tuesday!! I hate missing whole days of life!

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