
Holiday Latte

I have a confession to make... Starbucks managed to sucker me in this holiday season, not only to buying their product, but also to drinking coffee. Now if you know anything about me you know how opposed I am to people who "buy" their identities at Starbucks, basing their existence on a double tall, extra foam, mocha, frappa, doo-da with extra cinnamon... Also how opposed I am to drinking coffee in general, coffee dependency is not something I would relish in.
So what you ask is it that Starbucks sells that has taken me over to the dark side in so many ways? It is their holiday lattes. Eggnog latte, Chai tea Eggnog latte and my personal favourite the Gingerbread latte. These three are absolutely sinfully delicious, especially the third. I have been to Starbucks more since December 1st than I have been in my entire life!! I keep going in and asking in anxious anticipation if they still sell their holiday lattes. The barrista working there last time assured me they would have holiday latte flavours for a week or so more at least... Unless of course Starbucks Corporate decides to make the flavours available year-round, but then what would I do? I may find myself becoming one of those coffee-dependent, Starbucks status toting yuppies!
Here is me enjoying a Chai tea Eggnog latte. Mmmmm...

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