
D&D Part 1

I awoke today to an e-mail asking if I was still interesting in playing D&D with a group of people, one of whom I met last semester. Truth be told I was a bit taken aback. I was surprised the guy who e-mailed me remembered that I was in fact interested in playing and then that he e-mailed me about it as I haven't seen him since before Christmas.

I of course agreed. I haven't played D&D in about 10 years though so this should be very interesting... also last time I played we used volume 1 and they are now up to volume 3! Steep learning curve indeed, many, many more rules! I had to go buy a new Player's Handbook today at Chapters and I was going to get dice but the only place I could think of to buy them was at the comic book store that is closed on Sundays... Imagine that, stores closed on Sundays! LOL. I also picked up a copy of "Dungeons & Dragons for Dummies" perhaps I can conquer this learning curve by Friday... And if not hopefully the group I'm playing with with be relenting and kind to me as I am, for all intensive purposes, a newbie again...

I met the guy who e-mailed me and he helped me make a character, thankfully, because that was far out of my knowledge of volume 3. When I played, back in the day, there were like 4 races and 5 classes... LOL So I am an elf & a bard. Bard is very cool, poets, musicians and able to do basic magic. I got a bow that makes fire and a rapier that makes frost. I also put the essentials in my pack, ale & wine... LOL So I am quite stoked about this whole thing!

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