
Convocation Day: Five Years in the Making!

Today I convocated from the University of Lethbridge with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dramatic Arts with a major in technical theatre! That is quite a mouth full for a degree that essentially will get me nowhere in life without upgrading. I am okay with that fact though. I am actually quite fine with it. I love learning and I love going to school and by getting a degree that forces me to upgrade it ensures that I can continue going to school.
Despite the worth of my degree I was VERY proud to be receiving it. I've worked so hard for the past five years, and they really haven't been an easy five years, to get where I was today! I risked a lot coming all the way to Alberta and I sacrificed a lot in the way of friends and family to get the degree I now have. It's been a long haul, I want to sincerely thank all my friends and family who've been supportive of me through this time! I really couldn't have done it without you guys! Thank-you so very, very much.
Now I know the question that everyone is dying to know the answer to is, what now? Now that you have this piece of paper, expensive as it was, what are you going to do with it? The honest answer is I don't know. I can tell you some ideas I have though. I would like to get my Master's in Theatre. I don't know if that will be now or years from now but that is what I would like. I would eventually like a PhD and I would like to be a professor, teaching theatre to young University students. I'd like to be one of those professors who shows a genuine interest in their students and cares about each one and if they succeed. The type who take extra time to go over assignments, who have long office hours and who are always busy worrying over this or that student. Many people would think that a dreary lifestyle, but I think I would thrive at it and succeed.
In the immediate future I really enjoy my job at Convergys and I think I may go full-time in the spring. There are lots of chances for advancement with the company and I think I would like to see how that plays out for awhile. It pays well and I really like the company's values and sense of community. I've made many friends there as well and I'm none to eager to leave them just yet, if at all.
Mostly though I'm waiting on God to set my sails in some direction. I know all the plans I'd like to have for myself but they mean nothing next to God's plans, because God's plans will be so much better suited for me than anything I come up with on my own. God knows my heart's desires. He knows my desire for a husband and a family, my desire to be a professor, my desire to always keep learning. He knows everything about me and He will place it perfectly in a plan. For now however, He is telling me to "Be still and know that I am God" it is a lesson in patience, which I sorely lack, and a lesson in trusting that His plan is great and good and the best thing for me. It is a hard lesson to learn, I am a naturally impatient person who likes to plow ahead and keep busy, but I'm trying to be obedient. I'm trying to "Be still" and I think the sooner I learn the lesson the better off I'll be, but perhaps learning a lesson in patience soon is a contradictory... LOL
So pray for me, pray I'll figure out God's will for my life and that it will be a good will, full of happiness and all the desires of my heart.

1 comment:

gou noborio said...

congrats! all the best to you in the future