
October Skies

There is something absolutely gorgeous about the colour of the sky in autumn, especially October. The sky is so blue, bluer than it is at any other time of the year. It has a blue that denotes a chill will soon be in the air but not quite yet. It's not the dull blue of summer where the sky is too hot to really give it it's all, nor is it like the crisp blue of winter, where the sky is trying so hard not to freeze it can't put all it's efforts into being blue. It's also unlike the blue of spring where there are often so many rain clouds it is hard to know what colour the sky in fact, is.
Perhaps the blue of the sky is accentuated by the changing of the leaves, the dark colours on the ground contrasting so prettily with the autumn blue. The air helps as well, the crisp air that filters through, sometimes breezy, usually not chilling but definitely hinting at it. It is a wonderful time of year.

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