

Today we are celebrating Thanksgiving as the majority of my friends are unable to attend any festivities tomorrow due to work. Not that I blame them at all, the company pays time and a half for stats and if I were scheduled for work tomorrow I certainly would go in. We are having a turkey dinner tonight with all the trimmings, which I am preparing. I am hoping many will attend (as I've invited about 20) although I fear very few will. (As I've only heard confirmations from 2.) The meal will include turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, gravy, cranberry sauce (both kinds), homemade buns and homemade pumpkin pie, oh and of course strawberry wine. (zinfandel) It should prove an excellent meal with many leftovers and as I am having a Thanksgiving luncheon tomorrow for many who are unable to make it today but wish to partake before work tomorrow.
But I digress... as it is Thanksgiving I want to state a few things that I am thankful for this year:
- I am thankful that God loves me and watches over me daily
- I am thankful that my best friend is in Lethbridge and that he is my roommate
- I am thankful that I graduate this year with my BFA in drama (after 5 long years)
- I am thankful that I have made many new friends at work
- I am thankful that I have made friends with people who are like me
- I am thankful that I have a family to love me and for me to love
- I am thankful that I have a good-paying job that works around my schedule
- I am thankful that I have enough money in the bank that I'm not worried
- I am thankful that I still believe in love and have not become bitter towards it
- I am thankful that I have an easy courseload this semester
- I am thankful that I have the Improv club to put some of my energies into
- I am thankful that I have many friends at school, despite the amount that have moved away
- I am thankful I am still friends with the ones that have moved away
- I am thankful for my Cambridge friends who have not forgotten me after all these years
- I am thankful for many answered prayers
- I am thankful that I am starting onto a new adventure in my life with graduating and working, and I am hopeful for the future and that it will go well

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