

Today was Halloween, a day I normally look forward to and enjoy thoroughly, unfortunately I just wasn't able to get into the spirit of Halloween this year. I went to school in a witch's hat, dressed all in black with big-buckled shoes and although I thought about wearing witchy make-up the whole affair seemed too much work, so I was a non grotesque witch. Very few people at the U were dressed up today, which added to my dismay. I mean of course we're all adults there, but can't adults have fun too? I was watching the news on Global tonight and they were discussing how more adults buy into Halloween these days than children, more adult parties, etc etc. I think that is super. Did you know the average person age 18-36 spends $75 on Halloween each year in Canada? It was on the news so it must be true... LOL.
I considered going out trick-or-treating this year but as I couldn't find an "adult" to go with me and I couldn't find any children to steal it didn't work out. Also I had made plans for supper with a friend but they fell through, as they always seem to do and I also had drinking plans with other friends but as one has been ill they too fell through. :( sigh!
My roommate and I did go out though, we went and saw "Flightplan", which I suppose is as good a Halloween movie as any...
I'm hoping next year I'll be in the spirit to celebrate it properly.

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