
First Frost

Today we had the first big frost of the year. I woke up early to run some errands and was out of the house by just after 9 and there it was. The grass, buildings, etc. were all glistening with ice crystals covering them. They looked so cold and so peaceful. I love and hate this time of year. the transition from fall to winter. Fall is my favourite time of the year and I do enjoy winter, when there is snow but the transition between is always hard for me. On the one hand I love the brisk mornings and the instant wake-up they provide when you leave the house. I love the delicate carpeting of frost on the world, the shiny crystalline way of it. I love how blue the sky is, and will be, for but a few more short weeks. I love the colours of the leaves that still cling to the trees. On the other hand I hate not being able to sleep with my window open, I hate having to wear 3 layers out the door only to know by midday at least of two of them won't be necessary, I hate how dead and shriveled the leaves on the ground look, no longer freshly fallen, I hate that as fall comes to an end winter begins, bringing with it Christmas and another year's end. It is a sad thought, on some deep-rooted personal level, to think about the year's end. For now though I will dwell on the ice crystals, their almost magical quality, the briskness of the morning, the beauty of the sky and the another beautiful day.

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