
Got it all Together...

Today I met the most has-it-all-together kid I've ever met in my entire life. He was 18 years old and a first year at the U of L in the music/education program. I met him on the bus on my way into class this evening.
He had his whole life planned out. He was currently working 2 jobs but was inquiring as to my job as he was thinking of letting one of his go. His monthly income as a student was over $3000. He didn't have any bank loans or student loan, only bursaries and scholarships. His parents had given him no money for school, he was paying for it all himself and he currently had enough saved up to pay for most of it. He has RRSPs and money invested in stocks, his financial advisor had planned out his finances for him and he would be able to attend four years of University plus grad school afterwards. He had scholarships from the U of L as well as from grad schools so that he rarely had to pay for his education out of his own pocket. His GPA for high school was close to 4.0.
I couldn't believe it. I am at least 4 years older than this guy, if not 5 and he has more planning done than I do now. He has his whole life in order and every detail of it planned. I wonder if I would have been better off if I'd had the same at his age? I know I wouldn't have been in so much debt... but I wonder if I would've been as happy as I've been. Not knowing is sometimes the fun of it, trusting in God and letting him provide, asking questions and seeking answers. How much more thankful am I for God's providence because I've been in places of need? Not to say this guy won't be in need, it's just an interesting contrast, his life to mine.

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