
Sunny Sunday

Today was a gorgeous October day, despite it being October the temperature was 22 degrees! It was marvelous, I was out in jeans and a t-shirt and my roommate was out in shorts! Shorts in October, I love how messed up the weather in Alberta is.
We went to the park this evening, around 5 and I had him take some digital pics of me, which I will post later on (once he gets them off his camera for me.) I was feeling particularly pretty today, which is why we took pics. My hair was co-operating (for once) and I wasn't feeling overly fat (another rarity.) I think it had to do with the weather though, it's hard to feel bad when it's so gorgeous. I love this time of year, it's my favourite, with the leaves changing colours and the brisk breezes at night reminiscent of winter to come, but not quite here yet. The sky is sooo incredibly blue! I took a bunch of "real" pics as well on my camera that I will inevitably have to scan, but I refuse to go digital just yet, of the foliage and park near our house, etc. I hope they turn out pretty and do justice to the landscape itself.
Yesterday I had to work, and as I told the boys at work, I didn't want to be there, I wanted to be outside taking pictures of nature and enjoying it. I think they thought I was crazy, but meh! I love this time of year and how pretty it is!

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