
River Puzzle

Here's an oddity for today:
There is this puzzle online (adapted from an old brain teaser) and the point is to get all the people from one side of the river to the other with stipulations.
There are 8 people in total, a man, a woman, 2 girls, 2 boys, a cop and a convict (prisoner.) The man cannot be left with the girls, the woman with the boys and no one can be left with the con save for the cop. There is a raft to get across the river and only 2 can ride at a time and the children cannot steer it (the con is a child as well.) It is quite fun to play and frustrating to not succeed at.
The funniest part though is when you put two incompatible people on a raft the older punches the younger and knocks them out, as there are no points this makes no difference to gameplay and is rather funny to watch. Also at the end there is a rather natziesque salute and I'm still not sure what that is about... LOL
Oh and to play the game you push on the big blue button (it's all in Japanese or Chinese so it's hard to know where to push to play)

Oh and BTW if you are really stuck here's the answer:

!!! SPOILER !!!

1. Cop / Criminal
2. Cop
3. Cop / 1st Boy
4. Cop / Criminal
5. Man / 2nd Boy
6. Man
7. Man / Woman
8. Woman
9. Cop / Criminal
10. Man
11. Man / Woman
12. Woman
13. Woman / 1st Girl
14. Cop /Criminal
15. Cop / 2nd Girl
16. Cop
17. Cop / Criminal

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