
A Cleaning I Shall Go

Today, after weeks of stress and busy-ness I finally decided the time had come to clean up the apartment. This became exceptionally apparent earlier this week when I needed to rearrange the living room/office to accommodate for the heat being turned on as my desk was too close to it ergo my computers were too close to the heat. So Sunday morning at about 2:30am I moved the desk and turned the heat on, but everything else merely got shoved out of the way. So today, instead of going to see Aeon Flux (I might add) I cleaned up the house. My roommate helped which was great, we dusted, cleaned the bathroom, scrubbed the kitchen and put the whole living room/dining room/office back in order, which was no small feat as for the past month or so we haven't had a kitchen table for want of all the things we had burying it (mostly my things...). I also got all my bills, banking and receipts in order. LOL Now if only I can get my papers done I'll be ending the semester on a high note! Oh and I suppose I'll eventually have to get my vacuum back from Micheal and take care of the floors and the pumpkin on the counter should probably go out here soon..... LOL

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