
Sick Again

So I'm once again feeling sick to my stomach thanks to my medicine. The worst part is it is a dizziness, nausea combination and it only comes in the morning so of course if I tell anyone about it they automatically ask me if I've overlooked a rather obvious possibility. It hurts my feelings that people think that of me, that they would automatically assume that a) I'm the type of girl who would get pregnant out of wedlock and b) that I would be too stupid to figure out obvious symptoms if I were!! So no one believes me that I'm sick. I know my TL is just angry that I'm wrecking team stats and I know HR thinks I'm making up stories about not being able to see a Dr. 'til the new year. But there's little I can do about either of those things :( I guess the important thing is that I know I'm telling the truth and so do most of my close friends and in the long run I suppose that is all that matters.

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