
Grocery Shopping

I went grocery shopping today, first time I'd been on a serious shop in about a month. I ended up spending $110 which is a lot less than I thought I would need to spend considering I usually consume $200 worth of groceries in a month and I hadn't been to the store in so long. This leads me to believe I forgot a lot of things. LOL

I don't drive (yeah obviously) so when I go on big grocery shops I take my little pull cart with me. It's holds quite a bit of stuff so it's good for just me. Mark came with me today on this particular shop but mostly for company as he needs far less in the way of actual nourishment than me, or so it seems as he lives on Mr. Noodle, Kraft Dinner & rice. I on the other hand need vegetables, milk, juice and the like or I get cranky.

I bought the holiday foods today, the Christmas oranges and eggnog. I forgot to look for candy cane ice cream although I doubt they'll have any as the store is quite small in comparison to others. That also means it's more costly, but I'm paying for convenience and I know it. So I bought all the things I normally buy, same old, same old. I'm sure I could shop in my sleep if I wanted to. I always get the same things and I'm sure they are the same things mum always gets too... Creatures of habit that we are. I often wonder if I were to go to a bigger store if I would be forced to buy new things just because they would be all around me? I also think though if I were in a bigger store I'd spend more money and come home with more junk that wouldn't get eaten before the expiration date. LOL

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