
First Day in Boots

So today was the first day I deemed it cold enough to actually wear boots out of the house, it was something like -32 with the windchill and after yesterday of still wearing my half-runners that are my preferred footwear once sandal weather is passed I decided boots were my only option. I conceded a bit on this point as I brought flip-flops, or "thongs" for you kiddies of the 80's who don't think "thongs" refers to two pairs of undewear, to school with me and put my boots in my locker. My very stylish boots I might add, courtesy of my Boo, thanks Boo! Props to my peep! LOL Really I can't complain that much as it's already into December and boots haven't been necessary, but I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later and my ambitious goal of waiting out the semester in half-shoes seems a bit far-fetched now. LOL

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