
The People on the Bus Part 1

I saw the man who thinks I work at Radio Shack today on the bus. He was heading to the West side as I was on my way home with my parcel from Greyhound. I first met him two Halloween's ago, I was dressed in Radio Shack attire for Halloween and he mistakenly thought I worked there, I tried to explain to him it was a costume, but as he seems a bit slow he didn't really understand the concept so I just went along with his assumptions. He had with him that day a computer tower and was asking me questions about it, which I could surprisingly answer, which just added to his mis-conception I suppose.
Today he asked if I was still at Radio Shack and I told him no, I said I was just going to school now. We conversed a bit, as much as stranger can anyways. It was quite pleasant except that I had my parcel with me and he read off my name and address, I know this because he confirmed both with me. LOL So let's hope he forgets where it is or he may be showing up at my door to get computer help. LOL

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